Jesus said,
"Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will never pass away."

Jesus answered,
"... for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world,
to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

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Holy Bible - Sorani 2022 Sorani Bible 15,000 IQD
Diglot New Testamen 2024. KSS/NIV Sorani, English New Testament 10,000 IQD
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One Hundred Questions About Christianity Sorani Spiritual Books 5,000 IQD
NT: Is it Corrupted ? Sorani Scripture Use Booklets 250 IQD
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A Discussion about the Gospel Of Barnabas Sorani Scripture Use Booklets 500 IQD
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More Than A Carpenter Sorani Spiritual Books 2,000 IQD
Healing the Wounds of Trauma Sorani Spiritual Books 2,000 IQD
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The Divine Exchange Sorani Spiritual Books 500 IQD
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Most Important Story Sorani Children Books 500 IQD
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Bible Stories for Children - Parables 3 Sorani Children Bibles 500 IQD
Bible Stories for Children - The Story of The Cross Sorani Children Bibles 500 IQD